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Common lizard

Reptile Surveys

Reptile surveys help to identify the presence of protected species and ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect them.

Juvenile grass snake on patio


Why are reptiles surveyed?

All reptiles in the UK are protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).


Therefore, it’s important that we survey them to ensure their further protection.


When do I need to have a reptile survey?

If the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) identifies habitats that are suitable for supporting common and widespread reptile species, then presence or absence must be established prior to works which could harm animals or destroy valuable habitat.

Reptile surveys can be undertaken from April to October, but the optimal survey months are April, May, and September.

Should the site support reptiles, these may need to be moved (translocated) to a safe habitat so that they are not harmed by the development. In most cases, we aim to retain the animals within the site boundary, to reduce the impact to the local population.

Adder being held by a gloved hand
Slow worm in someones hand


What does Abrehart Ecology offer?

At Abrehart Ecology we offer professional, skilled, and efficient reptile survey work. We undertake in-house fieldwork and expert report writing, with our employees.

Our reptile surveys include placing artificial refuges within suitable habitat, which reptiles would use to shelter beneath or bask on top of. The refuges are checked seven times to establish presence or likely absence of reptiles and to provide a population estimate.


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